A Required Controlled Substance Security Prescription For Orange County, California Dentists, and Physicians
– To combat the opioid epidemic in California, Assembly Bill 1753 was signed into law in 2018 and became effective on January 1, 2019. According to Orange County attorney Mazarei of Mazarei Law Group, Inc., under this bill, physicians and dentists are required to use the new controlled substance security prescription forms which include a unique serialized number in a format approved by the Department of Justice. This bill did not include any transition period to allow for the continued use of old controlled substance security prescription forms on or after January 1, 2019. Under this law, pharmacies are required to look for the unique serialization numbers on controlled substance security prescription forms. Even though, the use of the new forms are required after January 1, 2019, the Enforcement Committee of the Board of Pharmacy has recommended that the Board of Pharmacy not make any investigation or action a priority that is against a pharmacist who, in the exercise of his or her professional judgment, determines that it is in the best interest of patient or public health or safety to nonetheless fill such prescription. Notwithstanding this recommendation, all physicians and dentist should strive in obtaining and utilizing the new controlled substance security prescription forms.