An aggressive and intelligent defense of a civil lawsuit starts before we file a single document with the court. Mazarei Law Group believes that an effective defense of a lawsuit starts with planning, preparation and then aggressive & intelligent representation.
You’ve been served with a lawsuit. That lawsuit contains facts. Those facts are the basis for the plaintiff’s case against you or your business. Mazarei Law Group starts its defense of the civil lawsuit by understanding the plaintiff’s facts and your facts in defense. We identify each and every fact alleged by the plaintiff in the lawsuit against you as well as each and every material fact we can use in defense. We identify each and every material witness that has knowledge of those and other facts that are important to the lawsuit.
We identify and gather as much evidence and documents as we can before responding to the lawsuit that will help prove or disprove the facts alleged in the lawsuit.Once we understand the facts, documents and witnesses that are material to the lawsuit, we review the different causes of action that have been alleged by the plaintiff in the lawsuit. A review of the lawsuit and in depth legal research helps us identify whether or not the plaintiff is making allegations and seeking damages or remedies that are even available based on the facts the plaintiff alleges in its lawsuit.
It’s now time to prepare for the defense.
Preparation starts with determining a strategy and budget.
Depending on our investigation as well as the facts, documents and witnesses, we determine whether or not your case is one we should fight or settle. We help you plan out a budget for both short term and long term goals in the lawsuit against you and help explore whether mediation or arbitration are right for you.
Sometimes the best defense is a strong offense.
Sometimes, cooler heads must prevail and settlement discussions should start early.
Your case deserves individual attention and that is what Mazarei Law Group gives you. With good planning and preparation, we set out the right path for your case.
Once the initial planning and preparation are complete, we put our plan to action. Whether the goal is settlement, a dismissal or trial, we put our experience to work for you. We will not rest until your case gets the result it deserves.